WW2 Interwar and WW2 WW1 to WW2 Early 20th Century
Figure Availability
A while back I saw a website by Neil Shuck (affectionately known as Earthquake) that compared all the various 28mm WW2 figures he'd been able to trace. Here is the original page, as well as a revised version, preserved for posterity. The only problem I could see with the review is that it was a little out of date, so I decided to do an update. The two things that I saw that I could really improve, though, were the list of manufacturers (which has grown quite drastically since Earthquake did his comparison), and the ability to view the various figures next to each other interactively; being able to choose the neighbours on the comparison...
Hmmmm. After some further investigation, I've realised that I've let myself in for a little more than I thought. Since much of the equipment and uniforms worn in World War One was worn by many nations in the period leading up to (and in many cases well into) World War Two, usually with only minor differences in cut and colour, the comparison would need to be expanded to account for this. The beginning is now set at 1910, a randomly chosen year before the 1st World War, and before the beginning of the Balkan Wars, which indirectly led to WW1. Also included are the Russian Civil War, the Prohibition Wars and the Spanish Civil War. Obviously, figures from the earlier periods can be used for later periods, and the civilians can be used right the way through (some simply by adding appropriate weapons) as armed civilians, resistance or Volkssturm.
The system I have used to describe the figures (besides the actual scan), is the "Barrett Measuring System" or "Barrett Scale", which was the brainchild of Dick Bryant, editor of the Courier.
Simply stated, the Barrett Scale measures a figure from the bottom of the foot to the eyes. The stand itself is omitted in the measurement. However, an overly thick stand should be noted in the review.
The eye level was chosen because it was impossible to establish the top of the head of many figures due to the fact that so many different caps, helmets, and headdresses obscure the top of the head. This measurement (in millimetres) can best be derived by choosing a figure standing reasonably tall and straight versus bending over. Anyone, anywhere can do this and report it in their reviews.
A second - and more abstract - value is assigned to the figure's heft; light - L, medium - M, or heavy - H, which only describes how thin or chunky the figure appears (these codes basically match what is used in describing a man's build, light, medium or heavy). Thus, a 26H rating means the figure is 26 millimetres in height from bottom of the foot to the level of the eyeballs, and is relatively a thick casting when compared to most figures - 25L means 25 millimetres and a light or thin casting - and so on. As you can tell, the heftiness rating is a slightly more arbitrarily derived measure.
Below are listed, in alphabetical order, by category, all of the figure manufacturers who manufacture figures suitable for the 1912-1945 period (and some pulp/ alternative WW2) I was able to locate after a search of the web.Some may be listed more than once, because they manufacture figures suitable for multiple categories.
I had a few of the figures on hand for my own purposes, but when I began this project, I needed to get a large number of samples. As we all know, figures are not cheap, especially when one starts talking about the number of manufacturers listed below. Because of this, I listed what I had, and have since e-mailed all the other manufacturers for samples. I have also had samples donated by friends and acquaintances. This project would not have been possible without the help and assistance of the various manufacturers who DID donate figures. I have made an attempt to list them in the respective reviews, but if I have forgotten, please accept my apologies and thanks.
If you want a more detailed, in-depth review of anything, or contact details for a company, simply click on the pictures of that manufacturer to reach a review dedicated to that specific range.
The US Colonial Experience (1910- the 1930's)
- Cannon Fodder Miniatures
- Homegrown Miniatures
- Pulp Figures
- RAFM Miniatures & Games Call of Cthulhu inter-war civilians
- Reviresco
- Alphacast Metal Miniatures
- Outpost Wargame Services
- Reviresco
- 19th Century Miniatures
- Arrow Miniatures (sold under the Acheson Creations label)
- Battle Honors
- Eureka Miniatures
- Great War Miniatures (sold under the North Star label)
- The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company
- Irregular Miniatures
- Old Glory UK
- Renegade Miniatures
- Reviresco
- Tin Soldier
- Warrior
- Copplestone Castings
- The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company
- Askari Miniatures
- Cannon Fodder Miniatures
- Pulp Figures
- RAFM Miniatures & Games Call of Cthulhu inter-war civilians
- Reviresco
- Steve Barber Models
- Anglian Miniatures
- Force of Arms
- 1st Corps Limited
- Alpha Miniatures
- Amazon Miniatures
- Artizan Designs
- Baker Company
- Battlegroup (Originally Village Green, now sold by Stronghold)
- Battle Honors
- Black Tree Design (formerly known as Icon Miniatures, prior to that as Harlequin Miniatures)
- Bolt Action Miniatures
- Chiltern Miniatures
- Crusader Miniatures
- Easy Eight Enterprises (now sold by Neo-Forge Gaming)
- eBob Miniatures
- Griffin Miniatures
- Outpost Wargame Services
- Regiment Games
- Strategia e Tattica
- The Assault Group
- TQD Castings
- Victory Force Miniatures
- Wargames Foundry (also known as The Foundry)
- Warmacre
- West Wind Productions
- Brigade Games (assorted Pulp)
- Darkson Designs (Alternative WW2)
- East Riding Miniatures (Alternative WW2)
- Hasslefree Miniatures (Fantasy WW1)
- Jeff Valent Studios (Pulp)
- Pulp Figures (Pulp)
- Rebel Minis (Fantasy WW2)
- Warrior (Pulp and Alternative WW2)
- Wessex Games (Pulp and Fantasy WW2)
The Balkan Wars (1912-13)
The Mexican Revolution (1913)
World War One (1914-18)
The Russian Civil War (1917-22)
The Interwar Years (1918-39)
Prohibition Wars (1920-33)
The Spanish Civil War (1936-39)
World War Two (1939-45)
Pulp/Alternate WW2 (1920-45)
If you know of a manufacturer I've missed (or ARE a manufacturer I've missed!), feel free to let me know (or send samples and details) and I can add the relevant info...
Of course, I guess I needn't say that any contributions of sample figures would be appreciated, and I'd prefer to have at least three different figures (one to keep as "as delivered", one for "cleaned and based" and one to paint for the last category.
If you have any samples you'd like to donate, feel free to send an email to:
Have a look at this Visual Comparison, showing the figures in bare metal, as they were delivered. Because the figures are displayed at identical size and resolution and in near-life size, you can get a pretty good idea of what ranges work together.
- 19th Century Miniatures
- 1st Corps Limited
- Alpha Miniatures
- Alphacast Metal Miniatures
- Amazon Miniatures
- Anglian Miniatures
- Arrow Miniatures
- Artizan Designs
- Askari Miniatures
- Baker Company
- Battlegroup
- Battle Honors
- Black Tree Design
- Bolt Action Miniatures
- Brigade Games
- Cannon Fodder Miniatures
- Chiltern Miniatures
- Copplestone Castings
- Crusader Miniatures
- Darkson Designs
- East Riding Miniatures
- Easy Eight Enterprises
- eBob Miniatures
- Eureka Miniatures
- Force of Arms
- Great War Miniatures
- Griffin Miniatures
- Hasslefree Miniatures
- Homegrown Miniatures
- Irregular Miniatures
- Jeff Valent Studios
- Old Glory UK
- Outpost Wargame Services
- Pulp Figures
- RAFM Miniatures & Games
- Rebel Minis
- Regiment Games
- Renegade Miniatures
- Reviresco
- Steve Barber Models
- Strategia e Tattica
- The Assault Group
- The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company
- Tin Soldier
- TQD Castings
- Victory Force Miniatures
- Wargames Foundry
- Warmacre
- Warrior
- Wessex Games
- West Wind Productions
US of A/ United Kingdom
Range Available | WW1 Austria, Belgium, East Africa, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ottoman Turks, Palestine, Russia, Serbia. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Wehrmacht, Fallschirmjäger, SS, British Infantry, British Paratroops, Russian Infantry, US Marines, Japanese Infantry, British Sailors, German Character Pack. Balkan Wars Bulgarians. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 25½ M (1:61) |
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New Zealand
Range Available | British Infantry; Pack of 9 unarmed Civilians; Polish Infantry; Pack of 4 mounted Polish Cavalry; Armed Civilians (suitable for partisans); two Packs of French Infantry; German Gebirgsjäger; German Volkssturm; German Handschar Moslem Mountain Troops; two Packs of 4 mounted German Cavalry; German Casualties; German Nebelwerfer with 3 Crew; German Field Kitchen with 2 Crew. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 M (1:60) |
Top of Page
Range Available | Balkan Wars Greeks, Ottoman Turks, Bulgarians, Serbs |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Due to the sudden death of Spyros Koumousis on 28 December 2005, the future of this range is now in doubt. I hope someone will eventually be able to continue producing them as a tribute. If anyone has a pack of these (preferably unpainted and as delivered), I will happily purchase them. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Stalingrad-era Germans, Stalingrad-era Soviets, Stalingrad-era civilians, Vehicles, Scenery |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 L (1:56) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available: | Spanish Civil War. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 M (1:56) |
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US of A
Range Available | WW1 Austro-Hungarians. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27 L (1:58) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | British & Commonwealth 8th Army, Commandos & SAS, North West Europe Commandos and Airborne, German Afrika Korps, Late War Germans, Germans in Greatcoats, Fallschirmjäger, North Africa Italians, North Africa French, US Infantry, US Airborne, US in Greatcoats. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27½ M (1:57) |
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US of A (actually a "global collaboration")
Range Available | French Foreign Legion, North African tribes. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 25½ M (1:61) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Early War Finns, Early War Russians |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 M (1:56) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available: | American Infantry, British Infantry, German Infantry, Panzergrenadiers |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27 L (1:58) |
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US of A/ United Kingdom
Range Available | WW1: Germans Western Front & Palestine, British Western Front & Palestine, Arabs, French, Russian, Austro-Hungarian, Serbian, Turks, Belgian, East Africa. WW2: Australians, 1939-1944 Finns, Early War French, German Afrika Korps, Fallschirmjäger, Early War Infantry, Late War Infantry, Waffen SS, British 8th Army, Chindits, Airborne, NW Europe British Infantry, Commandos, Gurkhas, Early War Italians, Japanese, Punjabis, Russians, Sikhs, US Infantry, US Marines, US Airborne, some Vehicles. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 25 L (1:61) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Wehrmacht, Gebirgsjäger, Waffen SS, Fallschirmjäger, Afrika Korps, German Support Weapons and Vehicles, Soviet Infantry, NKVD, Soviet Sailors, Partisans, Soviet Support Weapons and Vehicles, Italian Infantry, US Infantry, US Airborne, US Support Weapons and Vehicles, French Infantry, French Resistance, British Infantry, British Paratroopers, British Commandos, British vehicles and Support, several Characters. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27 M (1:58) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Late War US Infantry, Early War Poles, Late War British, Late War Wehrmacht, Late War Waffen SS, Partisans and Militia, Late War Soviets, Vehicles, Late War Italians, Rules, Buildings. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 M (1:56) |
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United States of America
Web site: | Brigade Games |
Range Available | WW1, WW2, Pulp. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Items purchased for own collection Still waiting for this delivery as of 29 August 2006. |
Top of Page
Web site: | Cannon Fodder Miniatures |
Range Available | Yangtze River Patrol, US Marines 1919-30, Artillery, Anglo-Irish Wars (1920's), European Revolutions 1919-23, Weapon Packs. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, awaiting delivery. Still waiting for this delivery as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Russians, Late War British, 8th Army, Sikhs, Eastern Front Germans, Afrika Korps, Character Sets, Eastern Front Buildings. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 30 H (1:52) |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Copplestone Castings |
Range Available | RCW, Back of Beyond, WW1 |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 30 M (1:52) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Early and Late War British, Early War French, Early War Germans, Early War Soviets, US Infantry, some including support. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 M (1:60) |
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Range Available | Alternative / Pulp WW2 Germans and Russians. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Zombies, SS Controller, British zombie-hunter. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 29½ M (1:54) |
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US of A
Range Available: | Battleground rules and supplements, US Marines, US Paratroops, French Resistance, Wehrmacht, Fallschirmjäger, Russians and US and German vehicles. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27½ M (1:57) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | British and American Aircrew PoWs, German Guards and Ferrets. Also a metal Opel Blitz and some scenic accessories. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 M (1:56) |
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Range Available | WW1 British in Palestine, Turks. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 M (1:60) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Miscellaneous Vehicles from 1919-1945, Assorted Spanish Civil War figures, Artillery from 1919-1945. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 25 L (1:61) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Post-1916 German and British. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27½ M (1:57) |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Griffin Miniatures |
Range Available | Cold-weather Stalingrad-era Germans. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Sources: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. Still waiting for reply as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Fantasy WW1 Halflings. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 18 M |
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US of A
US Web site: | Homegrown Miniatures |
Range Available | US Marines for the various conflicts the US was involved in from 1910- the 1930's. Also some of the opponents. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested 13 January 2006, e-mail discusions in progress. Still waiting for confirmation as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | WW1 French or Belgians, Germans, British, Russians, Turks, Colonials, Arabs and Artillery |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26½ M (1:59½) |
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US of A
Web site: | Jeff Valent Studios |
Range Available | Weird Wars character figures |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. Still waiting for reply as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Old Glory UK |
Range Available | WW1 British, German, American, French, Russians, Italians, Serbians |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. Still waiting for reply as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | WW2 Romanians, 1910-1920 Mexican Revolution- Federales, Villistas, Rurales and Americans, 75mm Field Gun. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 M (1:60) |
Top of Page
Range Available | Pulp Germans, Americans, Yangzee Gangs, Personalities, Lost Tribes and Lost Worlds, Call of Cthulhu (available from RAFM), Gangland Justice, Japanese, British, Yukon Peril |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 M (1:60) |
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US of A
Web site: | RAFM Miniatures & Games |
Range Available | Pre- and Inter-war civilians |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, request denied. |
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US of A
Range Available | Fantasy/Pulp Allied Elf and Dwarf, Axis Elves. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28½ M (Elves) 21¾ M/L (Dwarf) |
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US of A
Range Available | World War II Dismounted Allied Desert Recon Unit. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27 L (1:58) |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Renegade Miniatures |
Range Available | Early War British, German, french and Austro-Hungarians, Late War British and Germans, some Tanks |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26½ M (1:59½) |
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US of A
Range Available | Mexican Revolution, WW1, Interwar |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 L (1:60) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Prohibition Wars |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26 L (1:60) |
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Range Available | RSI, Savoia Cavalry, Italian Paratroops. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27½ H (1:57) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | US Marines, Chindits, Japanese, Late War Germans, Late War Russians |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 29 M (1:56½) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Austro-Hungarians 1915-1918, British and Commonwealth Infantry 1916-1918, French Infantry Western Front 1916-1918, German Storm Troops, Italian Infantry 1916-1918, US Infantry/Marines Western Front, Russian Civil War Red and Whites, Some Vehicles |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. Still waiting for reply as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Tin Soldier |
Range Available | The War in The Middle East, Gallipoli, Palestine, Mesopotamia & The Arab Revolt |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | Unknown |
Samples: | Samples requested again 13 January 2006, but no answer received yet. Still waiting for reply as of 29 August 2006. |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Late War SS, Late War Russians, 1946 "What-if" / Pulp Germans. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 29 M (1:56½) |
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US of A
Range Available | US Infantry (Europe), US Paratroops (Europe), Wehrmacht, Waffen SS, Fallschirmjäger, Resistance, Commanders, Terrain, Extra Bits. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 30½ M (1:52) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | WW1 British Home Guard, Early War Fallschirmjäger, Commandos, German Motorcyclists and Checkpoint, German Cavalry. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 25½ M (1:61) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | WW2 German Guards, Allied Agents and Commandos |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28 H (1:56) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | Palestine and Mesopotamia, "Over the Wire" Pulp |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 26½ L (1:59½) |
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United Kingdom
Web site: | Wessex Games |
Range Available | Fantasy Dwarf (Germans), Gnomes (French), Orcs (British) and Pulp WW2. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 27 M (1:58) - Naval Landing Party 27 H (Orc) 22½ H (Dwarf) 19 L (Gnome) |
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United Kingdom
Range Available | French Resistance, Late War Germans, British, Italians, Japanese, Russians, US Marines, US Army, Waffen SS and Vehicles. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 24½ M (1:64½) |
(New Style)
Range Available | Late War Germans, Waffen SS, US Army, British, Russians, Indians in British Service and 8th Army. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28½ M |
(Seperate Heads)
Range Available | Late War Germans, Waffen SS, US Army, British, Russians, Indians in British Service and 8th Army. |
As delivered | Cleaned and based | Painted |
Barrett Scale: | 28½ M |
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